Northern Beaches

Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc Chartered 1975

Address         6 Siobhan Place Mona Vale NSW 2103

Located          Northern beaches of Sydney

Meets              4th Monday for dinner

Contact           Email          Facebook


Encouraging Education

We award study grants worth several thousands of dollars, including paying for textbooks and computer equipment. Study grants enable local women to access further education, and improve not only their own lives, but those of their children. We also make student support grants to young women in Years 11 and 12 at local schools who are having difficulties at home.

Supporting victims of domestic violence

Our club has formed a strong and close relationship with the Northern Beaches Women’s Resource Centre. This support includes donations of new household items and paying for children’s swimming lessons, after-school care, support tuition and ‘back to school’ kits.

Breast Care Cushions

Zonta Breast Care Cushions are a great comfort to women who have undergone breast surgery. The cushions are made by members and women in the local community, and are given free of charge to local hospitals. Since 2005, our club provided approximately 1300 cushions.

Birthing Kits

Our club has a very strong record in making Zonta Birthing Kits which are distributed to women in the developing countries under an education program with hospital support. Each year, up to 3000 birthing kits are assembled with a great deal of community involvement and member fellowship.


Fundraising is obviously an essential part of club activities, and we try to have as much fun as possible! Past fundraising activities include:

  • Trivia nights
  • International Women’s Day
  • Australia Day Breakfast at Newport Beach
  • Special Social Events


Zonta Club of Northern Beaches thanks the DeeWhy RSL for support of our student support program. The Dee Why RSL Community Support Program is providing more than $2,000,000 in cash and in-kind support to over 100 community organisations this year. The program reaches and assists a broad scope of our local community and we are proud to be partnered with them. For more information about the support program, please visit

We also acknowledge the assistance of the Northern Beaches Council with the organisation of International Women’s Day Breakfast and Australia Day Breakfast.
You don’t need to be a member of a Zonta club to contribute to Zonta’s efforts to improve the lives of women and girls. Service projects always need money – your donation to Zonta’s work in general or to a specified local or internal project is welcomed.


We are always looking for the next generation of community-minded, professional women to continue the service and advocacy work of Zonta in our area and beyond. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have an interest in becoming a Zonta member or just want to help support our work.

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