Zonta is dedicated to achieving gender equality in education and supports scholarships, fellowships and awards for women and girls pursuing education and careers in these traditionally male-dominated fields. Investing in the education of women and girls yields high returns, such as breaking cycles of poverty, fostering economic growth and empowering women both in the home and workplace.

Clubs may seek award applicants for Zonta International Awards, District Awards or individual club awards.


Amelia Earhart Fellowship

Aerospace related sciences and engineering

Established in 1938 in honor of famed pilot and Zontian, Amelia Earhart, the Amelia Earhart Fellowship is a Zonta International fellowship awarded annually to women pursuing Ph.D/doctoral degrees in aerospace engineering and space sciences.

Recipients receive $US10,000 from Zonta International.

Women in Business Award

Business Management related

Helps women pursue undergraduate and Master’s degrees in business management and overcome gender barriers from the classroom to the boardroom.

Recipients receive USD10,000 at International level.

Young Women in Leadership Award

Leadership in public service and civic causes

This award recognises young women, ages 16-19, who demonstrate superior leadership skills and a commitment to public service and civic causes, and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life.

This program operates at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels. Zonta International offers 37 international awards of US$5,0000 and one winner is chosen annually from each Zonta District.

2023 Young Woman in Leadership Award

Emily An

2023 Women in STEM Award

Sapphire Stewart

2023 Women in Business Award

Saloni Singavi

2022 Amelia Earhart Fellow

Caroline Hamilton Smith

Zonta Women in STEM Award

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics

The STEM award encourages women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in technology and related fields.

Women of any age and nationality, pursuing a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) degree program at an accredited university/college/institute, who demonstrate outstanding potential in the field and are living or studying in a Zonta district/region, are eligible.

The program operates at club, district and international levels.  Each Zonta district may submit one applicant for consideration for an international scholarship. 

A single candidate from each of Zonta’s 31 districts and one region will receive an award of US$5,000 from Zonta International.

Contact details for Zonta International Awards are:

Amelia Earhart: Susan Riding, amelia Young Women in Leadership: Jenny Wiseman,

Women in Business: Jean Dally, Women in STEM: Susan Riding,


D24 Achievement Award for a Young Indigenous Woman 

To complement the Young Women in Leadership awards, District 24 also annually awards a D24 Achievement Award for a Young Indigenous Woman. This award is for a young Indigenous woman in year 12 who has made a notable contribution to the life of her school community through one or more of: her service, leadership, initiative, and/or determination to successfully complete her secondary education.

Click on the above links for details on how to apply for the awards.

Pictured is Jasmin Briggs, 2024 AAYIW Winner with Bronlyn Schoer D24 AAYIW Co-ordinator.

Contact: Bronlyn Schoer

Jasmin Briggs, 2024 AAYIW Winner


Many clubs have their own awards programs oriented to the needs of its own local communities. Typical awards include:

  • Awards to women in TAFE or local universities, made on advice from faculty, commonly to support educational attainment by encouraging women returning to the workforce or overcoming obstacles to work and study.

  • Awards to support and encourage women who are venturing into non-traditional areas for women e.g. engineering or technical trades.

  • Awards in maths and science – usually book prizes or certificates to encourage girls in upper primary or secondary school – often for a “most improved”, rather than high achievement.

  • Women of Achievement – typically recognising quiet achievement or contributions to the community, or excellence in a field.