Today is Earth Day, when stakeholders of all backgrounds come together to advance sustainability and climate action. 2023 theme “Invest in Our Planet”, highlights the importance of dedicating our time, resources, and energy to solving climate change and other environmental issues. Investing in our planet is necessary to protect it and the best way to pave a path towards a prosperous & gender equal future.
Consequence of Climate Change on Women
- The consequences are severe; especially for poor and vulnerable groups in developing countries.
- Natural disasters, food security, health, access to clean water and migration have severe implications for women and girls.
- As families strive to cope with these changes, they may resort to negative coping mechanisms, forcing girls to leave school or marry early. Risk for gender-based violence also increases.
- Understanding climate change as a human rights issue is central to the fight against climate change, but also to create a sustainable, gender-equal future.
- Zonta International Statement on Climate Change