Do you know an outstanding young woman-like last year’s District 24 winner, Lucy Fang, who meets the criteria for the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholar award?

Applications for the JM Klausman award are due to Eve Woodberry and/or the District Governor by 15 August 2023. The award is a great benefit to recipients as it is $5000 USD and the inclusion of business technology and information technology as eligible fields of study broadens the scope. If you have an applicant in mind who meets the criteria, we encourage you to complete the paperwork by the deadline. All paperwork is available at Women in Business Scholarship. Please note that there is some paperwork that needs to be sourced from the student’s institution, so it’s a good idea not to leave the application process until the last minute. If you have any questions please contact Eve Woodberry D24 JM Klausman Coordinator